Funny words of wisdom for student
Funny words of wisdom for student

funny words of wisdom for student

Maybe you decided that you needed to go back to school to obtain your high school diploma, or to go on to college, or to attain a higher degree from university, or to take additional courses to help you move forward in your career.Precepts and instruction are useful so far as they go, but, without the discipline of real life, they remain of the nature of theory only. Practical wisdom is only to be learned in the school of experience.You will be in that school the rest of your life. Second, just about the time you think you’ve graduated, they add another course. You get to take it over – and over and over and over until you pass it. The amazing thing about the school of experience is this: One, if you fail the test, it’s OK.Jones, The Mindful Parenting Handbook Children Having worked with children and youth for over 10 years, I can tell you firsthand that school is not what it used to be, and neither is childhood.Once you’ve learned a lesson in class, you move on to the next lesson because now you know it. Over the years I’ve come to realize that mistakes are just lessons, life lessons almost like school.Naomi Drew Christa Tinari, Create a Culture of Kindness in Middle School Planting the seeds of compassion and respect in classrooms and schools is essential, not only to reduce bullying and other cruel behaviors, but because empathy and kindness are so essential to all human relationships.From elementary school to senior school, each one holds successes for you to enjoy. The first of many graduations in life.

funny words of wisdom for student

James Popham, Instruction That Measures Up


  • If someone were to analyze every single decision a teacher needs to make during a full school year, many of the most important ones would relate to how students will spend their instructional time – the time devoted to learning what they’re supposed to learn.W.
  • Remember, when it come to applying for jobs, books ARE judged by their cover!Patricia Akins, Things They Don’t Teach You In High School.
  • Rather, it’s something that should be considered as a vital component of your day-to-day life.Rupert Johnson, Build for Success
  • Learning is not something that stops once you get out of school.
  • The learning that starts in school and used to end at graduation is now a vital and continual proactive process.Victor Hayek, Outclass.
  • The starting point for a successful, positive, and safe environment is the establishment of a school climate that emphasizes kindness, gentleness, responsibility, and self-restraint.James L.
  • We trust schools to teach our kids what they need to know to grow up to be solid, productive adults.Clayton Lessor, Saving Our Sonslink to son
  • The second biggest influence in your son’s life after his family is school.
  • The assignments and projects and tests often don’t apply to their lives.Connor Boyack, Passion-Driven Education
  • Put simply, highly structured schooling systems push kids through arbitrary processes that make no sense.
  • School is a community of learners.Ken Robinson, You, Your Child, and School Education is an organized program of learning.
  • Learning is acquiring new skills and understanding.
  • If schools aren’t allowed to give your child what they need then it will be open minded warrior mums and dads that will provide it instead.Wynford Dore, Stop Struggling In School.
  • Small schools do appear to be more effective than larger schools.Dylan Wiliam, Creating the Schools Our Children Need.
  • Whether they can make their future (and our retirement) peaceful and prosperous depends on what we do in schools today.Yong Zhao

    funny words of wisdom for student

    Our children cannot be ready to walk into the future premade for them.And, they want to actively participate in learning experiences fueled by their questions, curiosities, and interests in and out of school.Ira Socol, Timeless Learning Words of wisdom on our educational systems and on the school of life. Find school quotes to encourage and motivate.

    Funny words of wisdom for student